2017/08/04 - 08/27
At Taiwan's art fair "ART FORMOSA" this year, all the exhibits will be sold out and Ikeda's momentum will be presented with a new challenge.
Ikeda has always announced one work every month at his HP since 2009.
He continues to faithfully produce ideas overflowing without being bound by methods and formats.
The only technique and aesthetic sense that has been born among them has been refined more and more.
"Sculpture Paint" series with elements of both sculptural works and paint works,and Painting works depicted in a new mind are also highlighted.
Please enjoy a lot of new works of Ikeda who are freaky and freely available.
本年の台湾のアートフェア「ART FORMOSA」にて出展作品全てが完売し勢いに乗る池田の新たなる挑戦を披露いたします。
彫刻作品と平面作品の両方の要素を持つ「Sculpture Paint」シリーズをはじめ、新たな境地にて描かれる平面画の作品群も今回は大きな見どころです。変幻自在・縦横無尽の池田の新作の数々をぜひお楽しみください。
Exhibition Pic